Thursday, September 25, 2014

Finding A Church When You Move To A New Community


Finding the church where God wants you to serve and worship takes patience and persistence, especially if your search coincides with a move to a new community. Sometimes people spend a lot of time trying to find the “right” church. The writer of Hebrews urged believers not to neglect meeting together with other believers so that they might encourage one another (Heb. 10:24-25).

With so many churches and denominations, how can you determine which church you should join? How do you know which church gives you the best opportunity not only to grow spiritually but to serve God and other people?

As a little girl we moved a few times. One of the biggest challenges was finding the right church for our family. While living in Las Vegas we were members of First Southern Baptist of Las Vegas. My Dad was a Deacon and my Mom taught Sunday school. We were very involved in everything church had to offer. Going to church on Sunday morning wasn't a choice it was something we did and enjoyed as a family.  Many great childhood memories were made at church.

My Dad drove the church van. I remember him telling everybody, now lets all CLOSE our eyes and pray. What a thrill to think my Daddy was driving with his eyes closed!!

We moved back home to New Orleans when I was in Jr. High. The church hunt was on!!!!! My Mom and I would get up every Sunday and visit different churches. I very quickly learned not every church worshiped God the same way.  Some were very boring while others were very exciting. We visited so many churches we would sit on the back pew (in case we didn't like it) we could slip out early and try to make another service down the street.

Thanks to the Internet we are now able to narrow churches down and find the right church for our family's. Although, I can say it was fun looking for one!!

Below is a list of different websites I found helpful when picking out a church for your family. I hope this list helps :)
find a louisiana church
st tammany churches